Политика конфиденциальности


YottaMark respects the privacy of visitors to our web site, and we recognize your need for appropriate protection and management of the personally identifiable information you share with us, such as your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number.

You may visit our web site without telling us anything about yourself. We do not collect or maintain personally identifiable information for resale purposes.

If you contact us and choose to provide personally identifiable information, we will utilize it to respond to your inquiry. We may share your personally identifiable information with third-party companies or organizations for contact related to your inquiry. If you sign up on our website to receive announcements and incentives from specific partners, we will share the personally identifiable information you provide with the specified partners.

If you look up a YottaMark, HarvestMark or similar code that we suspect has been fraudulently utilized or duplicated, we may ask for your help in the form of a survey about the product and how you acquired it. If you complete the survey, we may share the information you provide with third-party companies whose products are implicated in order to track and stop fraud or counterfeiting. Any and all uses comply with all applicable laws.

Our web site has security measures in place, including the use of industry standard secure socket layer encryption (SSL), to protect the confidentiality of any of your information that you volunteer. However, to take advantage of this, your browser must support encryption protection (found in Internet Explorer release 3.0 and above and Netscape Navigator release 3.0 and above). These security measures also help us to honor your choices for the use of your information.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. You should be aware that this site is not intended for, or designed to attract, children under the age of 13. If you are aware that a child under 13 has submitted any personally identifiable information to us, please contact us at info@YottaMark.com and provide us with details so that we may address this matter.

From time to time, our web site may be configured to collect domain information as part of our analysis of the use of this site. This data enables us to become more familiar with which users visit our site, how often they visit and what parts of the site they visit most often. YottaMark uses this information to improve our web site. This information is collected automatically and requires no action on your part.

Periodically, some pages on this web site may use "cookies," which are small files that the site places on your hard drive for identification purposes. These files are used for site registration and customization the next time you visit us. You should note that cookies cannot read data off of your hard drive. Your web browser may allow you to be notified when you are receiving a cookie, giving you the choice to accept it or not. By not accepting cookies, some pages may not fully function and you may not be able to access certain information on this site. You can also refuse all cookies by turning them off in your browser. You do not need to have cookies turned on to use any area of our web site.

As a convenience to our visitors, this web site currently contains links to a number of sites that we believe may offer useful information. The policies and procedures we described here do not apply to those sites. We suggest contacting those sites directly for information on their privacy, security, data collection and distribution policies.

YottaMark may, at any time, revise this Privacy Statement by updating this posting. If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this web site, please contact info@yottamark.com.ua.