Simple Authentication
The YottaMark Authentication Platform is easy to use and delivers clear results. It allows manufacturers, brand protection personnel, law enforcement officials and even consumers to verify the authenticity of products anytime and anywhere.
Easy Ways to Authenticate
Security personnel and consumers can use the latest camera phones to read and immediately authenticate YottaMark codes.
Users can send an SMS message containing the 24-digit security code to a special phone number or “short code” and YottaMark provides a response within a few seconds.
Users can enter the 24-digit security code over the Internet to receive an instant response. The verification screen is designed for use by mobile devices, such as PDAs or web-enabled mobile phones as well as traditional desktop and laptop computers.
Large quantities of products with YottaMark security codes can be authenticated quickly with off the shelf hand held scanners.
Clear Results
To authenticate products, YottaMark delivers an unambiguous yes/no response. Additionally, the response can include all of the production and supply chain information associated with the code. Information can be customized for different sets of users such as manufacturers, brand protection personnel, law enforcement officials and consumers.
Сервис проверки подлинности YottaMark предоставляет:
- быструю проверку в любое время, где угодно и когда угодно
- Однозначный ответ да / нет и дополнительная информация
- Отчёт в реальном времени с подробностями и описанием
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